How to recover a docker image from Kubernetes Node

When you’ve lost a Docker image from your remote repository but it’s still cached on a Kubernetes Node, you can recover it using containerd’s command-line tool, ctr. This tool is typically bundled with containerd installations.

Using ctr

ctr, often included in containerd installations, can be used in conjunction with crictl, a standalone kubernetes-sigs project. Here’s how to interact with ctr and containerd:

  1. Set up the environment: To interact with ctr define this environment variable:

    export CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ENDPOINT="unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock"

  2. For basic authentication (e.g., with AWS ECR):

     ECR_PASSWORD=$(aws ecr get-login-password --region $ECR_REGION)
  3. Tagging and pushing images:

     ctr -n image tag <IMAGE> <ECR:IMAGE:TAG>
     ctr -n image push --user "AWS:$ECR_PASSWORD" <ECR:IMAGE:TAG>

    Note: The ‘’ namespace is required for image interactions.

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